December 17, 1954 Mr. W. H. Freeman 549 Market Street San Francisco 5, Calif. Dear Bill: Thank you far your letter of the Sth. I hope that Dr. Cavalli found occasion to met you while he was at Berkeley last week, as I suggested he do, but I heard elsewhere that he had a flu attack that cramped his schedule. I hope I don't wear your patience by my questions. As you ost have guessed, you were the firat publisher I thought of for thia book, and I would look for- ward to working with you on it. But I am in the dilemma now of having firm offers from at least four houses, and want to find what tangible justification I can for accepting ons as against the other three. I hope it will hot occur to you to simply my problem by withdrawing your interest. I aiao have to con- sider that I am acting not only for myself but also as Luca's agea&t I don't think I can put off the decision too long, in view of the competing interests. Ordinarily, I would not presume to inquire about the publisher's business: the contract give him the widest latitude in styling, price, promotion, etc. But the present situation seems to introduce an element of choice whether I like it or not; by choosing one publisher versus another, the outcome of the book will be directly influenced. 30, it would help me greatly if I had some notion of your concept of this book. I don't mean to press you for many details, but you had implied yourself that you had some innovations in mind. The Al terna- tives now pending would be 1) a “atandard" volume by our own University Press, or ons of the large commercial houses, 2) a listing in the Methuen series, on biological subjects (compare Albert's, Selective Toxicity). Unfortunately, I will not be at the Bederation meetings in the Spring, and will have to miss that chance to see you personally, Without writing a book yourself, you can tell me what I want to know in terms of the following questions: 1) Do you contemplate any radical departure in format or binding? [The Methuen, for example, has successfully economized with a pocket—sized page]. 2) Can this be gotten out for $3 retail? Or less? [Assume under 5x32 pages, _ no extracedinary costs | 3) W411 this be part of a series of monographs? Would 1t be named as a series? Anything you tell me will be treated confidentially, as indicated, and of course I am not asking for a binding commitment, but your current thinking on the matter. Yours sincerely,