Septegber 20, 1954 Me. W. H. Freeman ‘Freeman and Co., 549 Market Stroet San Franciseo 5, Galif. Dear Freeman: You may be interested that Tracy Sonneborn and I had some chance to talk things over at Woods Hole this sumer, particularly anent a book, We could not agree on a definition for a rworganism, and abandoned the project of a genetics of microorganians. But do not despair. This was just an essential clarification of ideas. Instead, we discussed a project wry slightly different, in effect: a "Comparative Genetics". Since we intend to take for granted a background in the genetica of higher orgaians similar to what is represented in a text such as Srb & Owen's, ani most other genetic work has been on indubitable microbes, the content would be very similar to a "G.0.M." But this approach spares us the painful task of drawing the arbitrary line between "masro"- ani micro-organisms and that of justifying a separate treatment. We have, after all, been lending maehbof our effort to integrate, not differentiate, these fields. Whether we are equal to the task, we shall have to find out during the next few semsters. However, this 1s not the principal reason for writing. This new book is | to be a lone range project, though we are finally approaching the stake of the painful wri iteclf. Mewzsthile, I have been discussing with a col- league from Milan (Dr. L. L. Cavalli-Sforza) another, brief monograph on the specific subject of drug-resiatance in bacteria. Cavalli and I (ami Esther) have collaborated several times before on experimental work ani, last year, on a review article on resistance. Up to now, this collaboration has been by mali, but CavAlli is now visitag for a few months on a Rockefeller Founda- tion subsidy. We thought to expand the above-mentioned review into a short monograph, presumably along the lines of the Methuen books, but would be happy to have competent advice on the matter. I realize that the field may be rather too medically oriented for your interest, but I knew that I could count on good advice from you in any ewent. This project is explicitly designed not to interfere with my work with Tracy, and I do not want to make any com tments that would. However, I have been advised that we might be wise with this kigd of book to be sure of a publishing outdat before spending too much time on it. What do you think? Z am enclosing a tentative list of chapter headings and, unier separate cover, a reprint of the review (zather hastily, sometimes clumsily written) that set us off. In due course, if you are interested yourself, te will be pleased to submit this to you as a publisher; meanwhile, I would be grateful for your consideration of it as a personal favor. Yours sincerely,