October 1, 1954 Mr. W. H. Freeman We. H. Preeman and Co, 549 Market Street San Francisco 5, Calif. Dear Bill: Thank you very auch for your letter of September 29. I had no notion that you might have a direct interest in this kind of monograph, or we might have approached you more formally. But I am delighted to hear of the prospecta(for the series, entirely aside from its present bearing. The "short monograph" on Genetics and Chemotherapy that Cavalli and I have in mind would be about 100-150 pages, and modeled after the very useful Methuen series that is distributed in this country by Wiley. In fact we had in mind to complemant Albert's book in that series "Selective Toxied ty", (which outlines the blochenieal foundations of chemotherapy) with this monograph on the genetic aspects. There would not be many illus- trations, conceivably one or two half-tones (just as likely not) and half a dozen line drawings. Depedding on how it’s done, the bibliography should take from 10 to 15 pages, (already included in the estimate above). We have no expectation of signing any definite commitments before the end of the year, but ib any event we would be ignoring our own best interests if we did not hawe a full discussion of the matter with you first. Meanwhile, we will see what alternative possibiltties might be available. T am enclosing another copy of the "prospectus"; please let me know if we can furnish any further information, or if you have any concpete sugges- tions of your own, Yours sincerely, > Josma Lederberg