“INST. FOR CELLFORSKNING OCH GENETIK Stockholm, April 1, 1955. MEDICINSKA NOBELINSTITUTET KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET STOCKHOLAL 60 Telefon 23 54 80 INST. FOR CELL RESEARCH AND GENETICS KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET STOCKHOLM 60 Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin, USA Dear Dr. Lederberg: We are at present attempting to obtain a full-time research professorship for Dr. George Klein in order to stabilize his own personal position and to insure the continuation of his valuable work in this institute. As you may know, a personal research chair, which is on a life-time basis, is very difficult to obtain in Sweden and it is necessary to furnish the most elaborate proofs of the scientific ability of the man before such a chair can be created. Furthermore, the desirability of such an arrangement must be demonstrated to the authorities and, ultimately, to the Swedish Parliament, in whose hands the final decision rests. In these efforts it would be very help- ful to have the testimonies of a number of prominent scientists. Because [feel that you are in a position to evaluate George Klein ’s research, I should appreciate it if you would be kind enough to write me a brief letter giving your personal views on his work and its biological significance. In the last few years the work of Dr. Klein and his associates in this Institute has expanded rapidly, Especially promising is the work with different strains of ascites tumors and their use in quantitative cytochemical and genetical studies. At present a special animal house is being erected which will greatly widen the working facilities of the group. It will also increase the possibility of making special strains available to other laboratories in the field, fulfilling a need which is at present met only with considerable difficulties. It is in the light of these considerations that I am asking for your help in this matter. I am sorry to bother you with such a request but I assure you that you would do us a great favor by your assistance. Very sincerely yours, Nv 2 T. Caspersso