RUTGERS UNIVERSITY The State University of New Jersey INSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR December 15 ; 1953 NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY Dr. Joshua . Lederberg University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: The dedication ‘of the newly corp leted Institute of Microbiology of Rutgers University will be held on June 7-9. The afternoon of June 7 will be devoted to official dedication ceremonies, at which certain honorary degrees will be awarded. This will be followed in the evening by a banquet given by the University. June 8-9 will be devoted to a symposium, under the general title: "Perspectives and Horizons in Microbiology". It will consist of three 3-hour sessions, dealing with the following subjects: I. The Microbe as a Living System II. Metabolism of Microorganisms I. Microbes and Higher Forms of Life ‘The symposium will be attended by about 250 invited guests interested in the subject of microbiology. At each session, 4 to 6 papers will be pre- sented by invited speakers. There will be an opportunity for discussions. You are invited to attend both the dedication ceremonies and symposia and to present a paper on the subject: "Genetics and future development of microbiology" before Session I. The University will compensate your travel expenses and will provide suitable accommodations during your stay in New Brunswick. Accommoda- tions will be available for wives of participants, although I regret we are not in a position to underwrite their traveling expenses. The University will also pay a $100 honorarium to the invited speakers, who are expected to have their addresses ready for publication in a special volume. I hope that we may have the pleasure of having you with us on this memorable occasion, Cordially yours, 3 Larcnr Ce, Wenrts On SAW: VAC DIRECTOR