November 12, 1953 Dr. Selman A. Wakeman Department of Microblology Rutgere University New New Jersey Dear Dr. Waksman: Thank you for your letter of Novomber 4. “As I had indicated in my previous letters, I was looking forward to finding an oprortunity during this coming spring to visit your department. I'am happy to accept your invitation to participate 4n the symposium "Frontiers in Microbiology." I hope, however, that your invitation does not request that I speak on the subject of actinomyoete genetics, as I do not feel that our work on this subject has progressed to the point where it should be pub! exposed. If 4t would be appropriate to the general makeup of your ~ symposium, however, I would be more than happy to deal with the general role that genetics is likely to play in the further development of microbiology. If, as my very well be the case, hotiever, you have several other speakers tn mind on the subject of bacterial genetics, it might be more appropriate for me to confine my remarks someniat to our particular work on n gonetic recombination dn micro= organisms. I wild look forward to hoaring from you at a lator . date as to the makeup of this symposiun so that I my nore accurately plan my contribution. | .° Tam looking forward to mosting you and having the op; ortunity to discuss with you several topics of mutual interest. Yours since: _ dJosima Lederberg, — Associate Professor of Genetica [mg