RUTGERS UNIVERSITY The State University of New Jersey NEW JERSEY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY ' NICHOL AVENUE £ Ff BB gb ree oe Gal re 5 7 November 4 1953. NEW BRUNSWICK NEW JERSEY 2 Dr. Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am in receipt of your letter of November 1. I am indeed glad to hear youzideas concerning the study of the life cycles of actinomycetes from the genetics point of view. This is actually one of the problems that I had in mind to discuss with you in extending the invitation to come to visit our laboratories. We do not have any one at present who would be qualified for the type of study you have in mind. Personally, I would pre- fer that this work be done here at the Institute of Microbiology that we are now in the process of organizing. The official date of the opening of the Institute is det for May 18, 1954. The ceremonies will be follo wed by a two day symposium dealing with several subjects which would be entitled: Frontiers in Microbiology". I wonder whether you would be willing to come on May 19 or 20 to p resent an address dealing with this work. Perhaps you might be interested in joining our staff in order to initiate the whole development of microbial “genetics. Our Institute will offer excellent opportunities for research in this and allied fields of microbiology. I am glad that you are not in sympathy with Klienberger-Nobel's * ideas. Iwas under a similar impression. a With best wishes, I am Cordially yours, SAW: VAC Chairman, Micro biology Dept.