April 22, 1953 Professor S, A, Wakeman Department of Microbiclogy Rutgers University New Brunswici, ¥.J. Dear Professor Wakeman: Thank you for your letter of the 17th, renewing your invitation to visit your departasnt. Last fall, I waa looking ahead to a trip I was planning to make to the Communicable Disease Center near Atlunta, At the time, I thought I might take the opportunity to visit along the East Coast. Unfortunately, the pressure of time required a more direct route. I must apologize for not having told you o@ this sooner. I would be most pleased to accept your invitation, but would aot be able to specify whoa I could make either a special or a side trip for it. Wonld it be a sufficient reply to your letter if I promise to keep it din mind, and to give you advance notice of any occasion when I could conveniently make the visit. Youra sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetics