Grand Island, Nebr. duly 50, 1953 Dre He Be Glass SCIENCE 1515 Massachusetts Avenue, NW. Washington 5, DeCe Dear Bentley! I picked up proof on our “Sex" p an aute trip to the West Coast, ans > wvler the clrounstances. The MS wy sent wrier separate cover. before leaving on Theanke for add the oxtfe , seeme in good order (minor exception ked on the galley) excppt for the halftones for figures 3-4 mi d these are unacceptable nope that this oan be corrected, because } if anything, better. I will have to yo witernatives: a better plate -- and you Pi dure done quite satisfacterily in the OSH he whéle thing and follow Note A for correc- h point in printing this se is. 3-4 and captions on galley 4. For last line above ve | photographs published eleewhere (Lederberg et al. 1951). The detemmination yhether the dipleids show a doubling of the chromosome , Naot yet’ psabject to indepéndent, objective verification. Ss the’ remainder of thie paragraph (6 lines below figures 3-4) also. On galley 3, replace line indicated with - logioal observations on haploid K-12 cultures have been Naturally, I hope it will be possible to retain the figures, but I thought it best to be forearmed against the alternative necessity. Unfortunately, there is ho way I could get the negatives to you (if these could help) short of a month's delay. Esther and I are bound for the West Coast, will probably see Ed Tatum about August 89, and will be at the 5.A.B. meeting the 10th-l4th. This by way of cues for any further corresponience, if needed. On the whole, it might be better if you dealt with Ed: he is sonewhat more stationary et the moment, and I'11 be seeing him soon anyhow. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg