Jaly 10, 1963 Dear Ed: I just found the enclosed carbon copy in ay file; must have forgotten to put it in my letter of the 6th. Meanwhile, I have received your note, so all is well, but I'm sorry for this confusion. No answer yet from Glass. Esther ant I will be motoring West this sumer after all, and I hope We see you at Stanford— probably about the end of the first week in August. Unfortunately we will be rather birdied, aa we have to be back at Madison before the end of August to arrange our moving and a mess of other business. Ae you know the AIBS 1s also meeting here early in September. It will be good to see all of you again— we are looking forward to it, and hope we will not happen to hit Stanford when every one's away on wacation, , Sincerely, Joshma Lederberg ‘ ae a i ' i .