daly 6, 1953 Washington 5, D.C. Dear Bentley: Thank you for your letter of the lst, asking about using Ed Tatan's and ay paper for Science. I have ao objection at all, in principle. However, in order $o avoid any misunderstanding which might arise from the very long interval between the drafting and thebpublication of this review, I mst ask that a note to the following effect be included, either az a footnote, or an addendum: Tais paper was prepared in connection with a Symposina on Sex in Microorganisas, held Decomber 1951, and intended for publication in a forthcoming volume by the iThis can be reworded as you wish}. The following work on this subject has been published subsequent to the final revision of the present manuscript: Hayes, W. 1953 Observations on a transmissible agent determining sexual differentiation in Bacterium coli. Jour. Gen. Microbiol, 8:72-86, Watson, J.D, and Hayes,W. 1953 Genetic exchange in Eegheriehis coli K12r evidence for three linkage groups. Proc, Nat. Acad, Sci. 39:4 y.- Ciark, J.Be 1953 The effeote of cheaicals on the recombination rate in Bacterium coli. Jour. Gen. Mlerobiol., 81 45-49. Vavalli, LoL. and Maccucaro, G.A. 1952 Polygenic inheritance of drug- resistance in the bacterius Kecherighia gold. Heredity 6:311-331. Cavalli, L.L. 1932 Genetic analysis of drug-resistance. Bull. World Health Org. 6: 185-206. Cavalli, L.L.; 1953 An Anfective factor controlling sex compatibility in Bacterium soli. Jour. Gen, Microbiol. 8: 8% 103. ~~ Lederberg,J., and Lederberg, Ei. I am not seeking to embarrass the journal by emphasising the delay in publication, but I would not wish any misunderstanding to follow from our silence on some of the issues raised in the later papers. On the other hand, I am sure there are no explicit statements in the text of which we are likely to have later regrets. Yours sincerely, CC: E.L.T, Joshua Lederberg