STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES April 27, 1953 Dr. D. H. Wenrich ‘Department of Zoology University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Penna. Bear Dr. Wenrich: I am returning the manuscript by Lederberg and Tatum to you herewith, along with your and Lederberg's covering letters, with comments on the referee's suggestions. As you will gather from these, we have modified the manuscript, taking into account most of the referee's well-taken points. However, we do not feel that "a judicious expansion" is justified at this time. You will notice a) that we would prefer reversing the order of authorship as indicated on the title page, and b) that we have made no. attempt to include and discusa papers which may have appeared during the eight months since original submission of this manuscript. We hope our desicions in these matters meet with your approval. Sincerely, E. L. Tatum ELT: gz encls. | ee Ge Cc: Dr. J. S, Lederberg ‘ Dab me ae ~ fo fA go OI ? oa ns veo begpy oA el 9