April 23, 1953 - Dear Bd: < an forwadding our AAAS as, with Wenrich's covering letter. I have aot gone over Lt for minor ohanges of wording, of which some few aay be desirable, but have corrected the Incomplete references in the bibllography. I wculd bs strongly opposed tc any serlous revisions, eitaer to bring the ne. Upetowdate, op even for a "judicious expansion". We have not yet completed our current studies, wiich help better to define the functioning of F in segregation, (und to rule out any more extrame non~sexunl interprete- tdona), so would not undertake to write guoh a general paper us of the presant data. There lg nothing in the as. that is exceptionable: 4f anything, wa aay have leaned over bacloards to accomudube Mayas! point of view, fhe minor changes in wording that I hive, made are tagigned 1) to awold "traheduetion® for the F+ conditioning, which I now feel would be a alstaken usage, sad 2} to avold an unjustified insistence that Pe is a virus. It fe hard to avoid speaking of F+ as an infective agent, in view of the contagious transfer of the F+ state, but wo do not, in fact, have the P+ agant in hand, separate fron the sells. fnleas you have some serious revision to discuss, why aot return the aa, directly to fenvioh. Thile the reviewer haa a point, I think our usage of "haplobiontic" and "comatibility" is entiraly tenable, fully Are we going to see you in Madison aay ties this year? I had baht hoped you might attend the Chicago maetings, and visit us on route. (tnd half expected) Sincerely, nein eee Joshua wederberg