OFFICE of the PRESIDENT fe American YD nystcloyteal Seviely fon Cece Cera, ve COUNCIL OFFICE of SECRETAR Y-TREASURER D. B. Ditt, President Department of Physiology . B. ; . Cari J. WicGers, Past President University of Chicago Racen W. Gerarp, Secretary-Treasurer Cuicaco 37, ILtinais Eucenr M. Lanpis Frep A. Hircucock Epwarp F. Apotex OFFICE of EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 2101 ConsriTvTION AVENUE M. O. Lex, Executive Secretary WasHIncton 25, D.C, November 6, 1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Devartnent of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for your good letter of the 2nd resardine the article for Physio- logical Reviews. TI em wel! pleesed both with your enalysis and your accent- ance. As to deadline, I shall ask the nuslishing office to schedule your reriew as late as possible in 1952. This would mean that the manuscript need not be submitted until March or nerhans even July--which is well beyond your ovm deadline. You will hear direct from the oft'ices as to the scheduiine. I am no more interestec than are vou in a review article that merely anasses a great body of information. An analytical, thoughtful, critically speculetive article is exactly what is desired, vy us no less than you. The title you sugcest "Genetics and the Cell Theory" is entirely acceptable, and I am certxin you will prevare for Physiological Reviews an article of which we wilt all be proud. Cordiv ily, R. W. Gerard RG:drs Publications: THE AMERICAN JOURNAL of PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGICAL REVIEWS JOURNAL ¢f APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY