Dept. Genetics, University of Visconcin, “Madison 6, VvAsconsin. Noveriber 2, 195. i) Gerard , Department of : ‘nysdolosy, University of Chicrco, Chicago 37, Illinois. Dear Ur. Gerard: Thank you very much for your letter invitine a contribution te YhysLological Reviews. The title susccested, "Un Micelluler genetics" was particularly appeciing, for I have felt that the circunseri tion of microbial genetics was an artificial one which included subjects (ees, crossing-over! which belong to forral senetics, and excluded others which would make for a more coherant outlock. Unfortunately, your letter caught we at a time when I have just been recovering from certain writing com-dtacats, ond ar: involved with others. Foo this reason, before accepting your cordial invitation, I world like to propose certain qualifications. Since these ray not be in accord with with your editorial plans or poldcies, I wich to ta’ this ooortunity to discuss them wit> -ou informally before eloorg a definite commitment. Firstly, the eoriest date by whic: | sould conveniently orevare a manuscript would be february 15, 1952. If the p.ver is sehedule’ Zor 1952 publication, this deadline might be cnacceptable. Further, I must senfess to a tack of interest in preparing the usual type of owr-ary review. I hove I've done ny share of that cort cf thing in 148 (in Peredity} and 104) (in Annunl Review of ° ‘derobiolo: sy). The Annual Reviews sees to be followins 2 policy of resuler subliention of reviews in