PINEAPPLE RESEARCH INSTITUTE of Hawaii POST OFFICE BOX 3166 HONOLULU 2, HAWAII December 26, 1956 Dr. Joshua Lederberg College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Your letter of September 28 chased me around Africa and I have just settled to correspondence after my return. T have had some correspondence with the University of California Press and have followed their suggestion that I appeal to the National Science Foundation. I have just written for their forms and will know more about it when they arrive. Your idea of publishing a condensation is something else again. Have you discussed this with Dr. Steinhaus? In the meantime, I will keep you informed of anything I do from this end. I am very sorry that my absence and reluctance to corres- pond while traveling might have appeared to indicate my loss of interest. Sincerely yours, fate Learn’ Walter Carter WC :en Head, Entomology Dept.