x i Jyh UNIVERSITS OF WISCONSIN LABORATORY OF GENETICS JAMES F. CROW MADISON, WI 53706 PHONE: 608-263-4438 FAX: 608-262-2976 BITNET: WREngels@ WiscMACC August 9, 1989 Dr. Joshua Lederberg 59x LL The Rockefeller Institute Pp — 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: | just finished reading your article on the ontogeny of the clonal selection theory, and of course with much nostalgia. 1 vividly remember the 1959 Science article. More accurately ! remember it vaguely, but remember the impression vividly; in particular the nine propositions to be nailed to the wall, a la Martin Luther. Although the theory was greeted skeptically, when the tide turned it changed remarkably rapidly (or so it appeared to me). | recall your saying once that what a biologist has to offer the chemical community is the idea of natural selection. ‘You said this in connection with the origins of life, but is equally applicable to the antibody question. This is, of course, a thank you note. Your article was a great excuse to shirk some obligations, but I'll now get back to them. A quick subtraction from my own age makes it no surprise that you are approaching 65. Welcome to senior citizenship. Sincerely,