THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY pro bono humanis generis 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021-6399 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT February 22, 1988 Dr. J. F. Crow Dept. Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison Dear Jim: Are you game for another thrilling episode of commentary and recollection? I was please to have had the opportunity of the piece that came out Sept. 87; though in retrospect I tried to cover too much, of a subject that is historically and scientifically intricate (and arcane in some places.) What I have in mind now should be much more suitable as anecdote: reflections on indirect selection and replica plating: (and mechanisms of adaptation in bacteria) tT Lederberg J., Lederberg E.M. Replica plating and indirect selection of bacterial mutants J. Bacteriol. 63: 399-406. (1952) Cavalli-Sforza L.L., Lederberg J. Isolation of preadaptive mutants in bacteria by sib selection. Genetics 41: 367-381. (1956) (and going back to Luria, S. E., Delbruck, M. 1943. Mutations of bacteria from virus sensitivity to virus resistance. Genetics 28:491-511) I have most of the story in hand; if you are interested, let me know what deadline I should aim for. It was great fun being your companion (again) in Ann. Rev. Genetics. rs.sincerely, ‘ Joshua Lederberg Mum ~ Bo Pores ret § he Ly fre Cemfies , autawer ? rte P,. 6 hinds 2 Kw, TERE Dn net as pod Arrwed oT AW, “pays p279