Septesber 6, 1951. Mrs. Katherine Brehae Warren, Blological Laboratory, L.I. Bhol, Aaen., Cold Spring Harber, L.I., N.Y. Dear Kitty: Your letter with the discussion ass. arrived a few ainutes ago, and I am pleased to return then, or rather just to say that I don't think that any reply is required to any of them. I am disappointed, however, not to notice any remarks by K. H. Rothfels, now at the Botany Department at the University of Toronto. He contributed a very interesting and relevant discussion, on the question of linear order, and he had promised me that he would subait a condensation of it as a discussion for the volume. This discussion would add so augh to the value of the paper that I would appreciate it very auch if you could — remind hia about it, and urge its submission. I would do so myself now except for the possibility that you may already have it. The trouble with our photographs is, as you must have guegged, that we took too many of them, and mostly I have had time only make contact printe from the 35am rolls. As one might expect from IX ainiature film, most of them are rather grainy upon enlargement. Howeverg we do have likenesses of almost all of the participants and many of the . other attendants, and if there are any of these that you lack yousselves, I'li do ay best to sake up a passable enlargement. Next tins we come east, we'll bring the whole sask along, but there are rather too many to send indiscrininately. i'm glad to hear that the work on the volume is so far alomg, and can certainly sympathize with you. I do hope that my own delays did not insonvenience you more than a little. Since the discussions are carbon copies, I assumed I could keep them but for safety's sake, they are enclosed herewith. If they are not needed, I would appreciate having them until the volume is printed. Youre sincerely, Joshua Lederberg.