August 1, 1951. MEMORANDUM To: Dean, College of Agriculture. From: J. Lederberg Subject: Trip to Chicago, Frederick, Md., Gebheeda, Md., Cold Spring Harbor,L.I., and Lomion, Ont., dune 1951. The primary purpose of the trip was a consultation with personnel at Camp Detrick, Frederick, Md., on matters of interest to thea in con- nection with our research contract. The trip was also occasioned by the aympeaium on Genes and Mutations (largely on microorganisms) at Cold Spring Harbor. The undersigned participated both in reading a formal paper on “Recombination analysis of bacterial heredity", which will be published in extaggo in the proceedings, and in many very informative private discussions which have a direct bearing on techniques and suggested experiments here. At Chicago, I attemled briefly at the meetings of the Society of American BacterLologists, which gave se an opportunity to interview prospective graduate assistant personahfor research projects next year, and to arrange with Dra. C.P, Miller, R. Benham, E. Ordal and othera to provide nuabers of bacterial cultures aseded in our research work. Bethesda Mi., (Microbiological Instithte, National Institutes of Health) was visited en route from Frederick to Cold Spring Harbor, to confer with Dr. Harry Eagle on experiments on drug-resistance. After four hours discussion, we both learned something. Gondon, Ont., was visited en route back to Madison to leara something of new cytological techniques(from Dr. C.F. Robinow) to be applied in our research, fs