W. H. FREEMAN AND COMPANY | PUBLISHERS 5649 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO 5, CALIFORNIA + TELEPHONE: YUKON 6-5115 Mr. Walter Carter, Head February 23, 1956 Entomology Department Pineapple Research Institute of Hawaii Post Office Box 3166 Honolulu 2, Hawaii Dear Mr. Carter: Your recent letter about the Buchner Endosymbiosis was interesting enough for us to take out our old file on this project and refigure the possibilities of our doing it. Even with the good and gratis offices of a translator such as Miss Bertha Mueller, the project looks worse today than it did in 1954, Composition costs have increased about 15% since then. Paper has increased in price three times in the past year! Even if I close my eyes to certain inescapable costs here, I find that we would probably have to price the book at about $17.50. That would further cut sales and so largely nullify the advantages a number of us have seen in translating the book, I cannot for the life of me see how this book can pos- sibly be done under current American conditions. I have racked my brains and can suggest to you only three possibilities; (1) Encourage Buchner to write a much shorter version of the work--about half its present size--with the help of all you enthusiastic supporters of his to prepare an English version. (2) Have the book published in England--that is, get some English publisher to undertake it--either in its present form or in the suggested abbreviated one, in which case we would be glad to import copies, guaranteeing the English publisher the purchase of a minimum number depending on price (in a sense, helping to subsidize the book). (3) Go to an American university press, where operational costa and taxes are not such factors as they are in a pub- lishing house such as ours; I can recommend two of these quite highly to you, first of all Cornell University Press, where the Director, Mr. Victor Reynolds, would give such a proposal SyMpathetic attention (you may use my nusme with him), and the University of California Press, Mr. August Frugé, Director. In short, I must say that any work in book form that enlists such tenacious support as the Buchner must be well worth publishing; but I for one do not see how an American commercial publisher can handle this work. Sincerely yours, WHF :mc J ec? Dr. Lederberg Dr. Steinhaus W. BH. Freeman