Ken Pah le” UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN LABORATORY OF GENETICS JAMES F. CROW MADISON, WI 53706 608-263-4438 October 14, 1986 Or. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue " \ New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: As you probably know, Genetics is starting in 1987 to have in each issue a “Perspectives” column. I have agreed, along with Bill Dove, to take charge of this for at least the immediate future. One aim is to provide commentary on a paper in the same or a recent issue. Historical or anecdotal comment is also welcome. It can even be jocular or controversial. The general idea is something in the range of 500- 1000 words, although there will be no specified limits. It is not expected that we write the columns. How would you like to write one? One takeoff point might be that it is ¥ about 40 years since bacterial recombination was discovered. Or you may prefer to comment on some current issue. Is there something on your mind (A for which this would be the appropriate medium? a? .¢ _ 1am enjoying the life of a retiree, but it is hard to find ways in which it is much different from what went before. It was great to see you last June, wr as always. Cheers and best wishes. »& Deon dem 7 010 Ana fo. sincerely Vergeooenng Rage Yo_upmprnsen ured be ia daedbert ts fs i/st