Ln’, et { —V [ Cir . Preeriv Arty Hoe , A Sete “<2 ; cece, cS UL) ben ur gore atttwrsy SOU Ave ners Lied | Reprinted from Sciexce, November 1, 146, Vol. 104, No, 2705, page 428, —_— — ryt - A IP. ce ’ ccd. Arvleoge G ! Concept of Cancer logy of cancer has been categorized under ‘; 4 transmissible virus on the one hand and -'sin ou the other (not to mention a host of ‘.ests), there has Leen relatively little speca- os biochemical mechanisms whereby any of - vould Jeud to the process recognized as neg- th Reeent studies by Beudle, Tainm, aud the genetie control of biosynthetic renetions Jas, Neurospora, have Pprevided a foundation «pts of the biological regulation of growth, “hy Wash, 1946, 32, 163-173), ou the ‘adap- 7a Neurospora mutant deficient in the syn- “ie, has provided an experimental basis for ‘nalagy with neoplasia. ‘of Neurospora will row on medium con- - “igur, salts, and biotin, which is to say that “ds eupable of manufacturing all other essen- 4 As the result of uutations of single “opacity for synthesis of varluus compounds A similar process presumably accounts for “val requirements of higher forms. : violent treatment, a mutant strain of 37, has been isolated. which is incapable ‘ leucine, Ags a consequence, this strain ‘sand its growth is quantitatively regu- abte gapply. -¥. cultures Of loucineless Neurospora grown woonnts of this amine acid will “fadapt??; tony yore foe astudy by Ryan and Lederberg (Proc. | Ame SerrMatee €2t 35 that is, an exceptional .fragmeut of the mycelium will gtow autonomously, irrespective of the available leucine, and may under certain conditions Overgrow the culture uutil the sugar is exhausted. By genctie analysis of crosses between adapted and wild strains, it has been shown that adaptation depends on the mutation, or re- version, of the leucincless gene ta, an allele capable of mediating the synthesis of leucine, A culture of leucineless Neurospora has, then, two growth potentialities: a regulated growth corresponding to the leucine externally available to it, and, exccp- tionally, autunomous growth on the basis of a gene muta- tion leading to the synthesis of that metabolite, Tf one correlates normal tissue eclls with a culture of leucineless Neurospora, both regulated by their environ. | ment, a simple analogy for cancer is evident-—the newly found capacity of a cell to synthesize an essential metabo- lite otherwise available only in limiting and regulatory ainounts, While the Neurospora experiments suggest a tiuta- tional origin for this capacity, virus infection, by pro- viding a missing Link for a block td enzyme system, eould play a corresponding role. A consequence of this simple concept is that cancer cells may be fourd to differ in their growth factor requirements from cells of normal origin when they are grown in vitro, _. Josiua LEDERRERG Oxborn Rutanical Laboratory, Yale University, and College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 968 C63 o ay Lire prrveesena, | & vendre eR. aAL qaseru ad 11 OBVDRE GTN , , ~ . ; r / wn no per V7 WAnk dad, enor LY uty yi wpe ; TAM Germ oe An ,