xe AA’ an STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305-5020 DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 7 April 1992 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Rockefeller University New York NY 10021-6399 Dear Josh, Thanks for your comment on the Perspectives essay. ELT would wk indeed be pleased to know the progress that has been made. x! ee As to the 1946 CSH Symposium, I recall Ed’s saying at the end ¥ wh of his talk that Mr. Lederberg had results to report, and I recall et the heated discussion after you finished. But I'm at a loss to reconstruct details. fr \ Demerec’s papers are at the American Philosophical Society Library in Philadelphia, and they have been indexed. Bentley Glass's 1988 "Guide to the Genetics Collections of the American , Philosophical Society" indicates 21 Demerec files on Conferences Na ms from 1939-65. These might provide you information as to dates, attendees, etc. I recall that we met by chance and rode together on the Long Island Railroad going out from the city at the beginning of that week. You were still concerned with whether you should return to Medical School, which would mean greater future job security. The only other part of the conversation that I still retain is your saying that you wished you had time to do more experiments before you talked. But you didn’t tell me then what you were going to report. At the end of the week, I went to see Marcus Rhoades at Nevis, and I recall telling him the exciting news. It's good to think of you being back in the lab! All best wishes, _ Lb David Perkins DDP:cmh “ aps, Pow. Unheaagirs, (97 ao oeaeg fo