144 _LONG ISLAND BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED 1924 ANNUAL REPORT OF _ THE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY FOUNDED 1890 FIFTY-SEVENTH YEAR "1946 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR During this second postwar year our Laboratory, in common with other similar institutions, has been passing through a readjustment period, The research initiated during the war and carried on under contract with the Medical Division of the Chemical Warfare Service was completed ‘in September. This concluded for us a period during which we had aac out into investigations remotely related to our field of interest, ag successfully mastered new techniques, had developed new methods for the use of antibiotics, and had made significant contributions for the treatment of certain infections. The experience we acquired during this period has proved a valuable asset in working out plans for our present research program. In October we inaugurated a research program designed to investigate the potentialities of various groups of microorganisms for production 7 antibiotics. The strikingly successful application of penicillin an Strep tomycin in medicine has given an added importance to research in the relatively new field of antibiotics, and intensive work is now going on in a large number of laboratories to find new substances possessing anti biotic potency and to learn more about their biological o 7 emicay properties. We are interested in the fundamental aspect of t . io ogica problem; that is, we wish to obtain some understanding of w at vari nus microorganisms can do and of how widespread their capacity is for roe ducing substances that act as antibiotics. Since our appre: is a genetic one, we have ample experience for this research and a ora ory whe equipped for the work. The problem is planned on a broa tine presence of antibiotic capacity is determined by the induction o mu a one For this purpose, well-known mutagenic agents X-rays and wr rays—are being put to use, and a search is also being made poner that may induce mutations. This résearch is being supporte ern es : made by Schenley Laboratories, Inc., of which Dr. E. C. im ms the director. Drs. Vernon Bryson and Albert Kelner are in charg the work. Research i i s engaged in During the greater portion of 1946 the Laboratory was engage ad finishing up projects under its contracts with the dica ee the Technical Division of the Chemical Warfare Service. This re te was under the supervision of Dr. V. Bryson. The erpeximers es mainly with studies of the penetration of inhaled aerosols into t ane and of the therapeutic value of penicillin aerosol alone an io co the tion with certain other chemicals. A study was a a ® synergistic action against bacteria exerted by mixtures © Penict 3D em several other chemicals. For the Technical Division, an ana vais was ae pleted of hydrogen peroxide aerosol as a disinfecting agent me On ober, taminated with pathogenic and dust-borne microorganisms. In Cee studies were begun on the chemical induction of mutations in using nitrogen mustards. 12 As a preliminary to the study of antibiotics, Dr. A. Kelner investigat- ed the effects produced by X-rays and ultraviolet rays on the microorgan- ism Actinomyces. He found that the spores are relatively resistant to killing, and that heritable changes are readily induced by irradiation. In recent years, microorganisms—viruses, bacteriophages, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi—have been receiving considerable attention among experimental biologists. Techniques have been developed for utilizing them in research on a variety of biological problems: and work with these organisms is becoming very productive in opening up new approaches to some of the outstanding questions of modern biology. At this year’s symposium we brought together a group of scientists who are studying the processes of variation and heredity among living things through experiments with various microorganisms. This symposium was a logical consequence of the interest in this field that has existed in our group fora number of years. Since the summer of 1941, work with microorganisms has been conducted at the Laboratory; and at present a considerable proportion of our year-round research is focused on these experimental Materials. This summer we again had a strong group working with bacterio- phages. Dr. Max Delbruck and his assistant Mr. W. T. Bailey, Jr., of Vanderbilt University, investigated phenomena that have the appearance of mutation and hybridization in this group of organisms, which are too minute to be seen with the ordinary light microscope but can be observed with the electron microscope. They found an apparent transfer of hereditary material from one bacteriophage to another when a bacterium 's simultaneously infected with two different but related strains of phage. Dr. A. H. Doermann, an associate of Dr. Delbruck, investigated the multiplication of bacteriophages. One question to which he was seeking the answer was whether each phage continues to divide—thus increasing the total number exponentially—or whether division is limited to certain individuals only. Requirements for the growth of phages were investigated by Dr. -H. Adams, of New York University, who found that the growth of One strain of phage (T5) depends on the presence of calcium in the medium. Studies were made by Dr. S. S. Cohen and Miss C. B. Fowler, OF the University of Pennsylvania, on the interruption of the growth Processes caused by addition of S-methyl tryptophane. Al being s a very stil] un 18 wel though in recent years many problems relating to heredity are tudied on microorganisms, still the fruitfly (Drosophila) remains important organism in genetic research. This classical material is equalled for work on many outstanding problems. Our Laboratory | equipped for research with Drosophila, and every summer since we have had several scientists working with this material. Last Summer Dr. E. Mayr, of the American Museum of Natural. History, Studied forces instrumental in the evolution of species by investigating 13 sexual isolation as conditioned by age differences, strain differences:;an species differences. Studies of sexual isolation were carried on also bees Streisinger, of Cornell University, who experimented with two species® Drosophila and observed that sexual isolation may be reduced by selection: Dr. B. Glass, of Goucher College, made a survey of Drosophila ‘stocks: for the presence of a suppressor of a certain gene. Biochemical studies were carried on by Dr. E. Racker, of New York University, with enzymes; by Dr. M. Levy, also of New York Universityg on protein denaturation; and by Dr. L. Michaelis, of the Rockefelleg’ Institute, with dyes. Dr. H. A. Abramson investigated the effect of alternating currents on the transfer of drugs through the skin, as well as the passage :of substances through the lungs when applied as aerosols. Drs. I. J. Deyrup and R. Guttman, of Columbia University: and Brooklyn College, studied the effect of electric current on the nerves‘of the horseshoe crab and the spider crab. Dr. M. A. Rudzinska, of New York University, collected protozoa (Lacrymaria) in the Cold Spring Harbor lakes, and worked out a method for culturing them. Several scientists utilized the time spent at the Laboratory -for writing. Dr. M. D. Kamen, of Washington University, prepared’ the manuscript for a book on radioactive tracer isotopes in biology; Dr.:B: Glass worked on a book on evolution; and Drs. M. A. Rudzinska and 5. Spiegelman wrote scientific papers. Brief statements written by these investigators about their research at the Laboratory are presented in the section of this report entitled “Reports of Investigators.” Symposium After an interval of three years imposed on us by the war emergencys we were again able to continue with the yearly Symposia on Quantitativ€ Biology. The topic for this year’s meeting—Heredity and Variation m Microorganisms—was selected two years ago, when it was thought that a symposium could be held in the summer of 1945; the meeting had ‘to be postponed, however, because of travel restrictions. During the last two years, research on problems connected with the genetics and physi ology of microorganisms has made very remarkable progress in the labora: tories of the United States. Moreover, when contact with continent Europe was reestablished we found that during the war many new dis: coveries in the same field had been made in France. For these reasons the continued delay of one year was fortunate, because it gave us 4% opportunity to broaden considerably the scope of our program. .. This was the eleventh in the series of Cold Spring Harbor Sympos# on Quantitative Biology, which have become widely known throughout the scientific world since they were started in 1933. The first meeting, 14 after the war was of special importance in bringing together workers who have had little opportunity during the last four. years to hold un- limited discussion of their research, and who have until recently been completely cut off from the progress of research in other countries. The group considered the mechanisms that operate in the transmission of heredity in the smallest known living organisms—namely, bacteriophages, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. Since it is a well-established fact that the fundamental laws of nature apply in general to all forms of life it is sometimes easier to solve a biological problem by using simple organisms and, if necessary, testing the validity of the solution later on more ad- vanced organisms. The discussion included also the behavior of tumor cells and leukemia cells, which in many respects exhibit the same individ- uality as unicellular organisms. Some distinguished foreign scientists who took part in the program were: Dr. N. W. Pirie, Harpenden, England; Dr. M. J. D. White University College, London: Dr. G. Pontecorvo, Glasgow University, Scotland; Dr. Andre Lwoff, Pasteur Institute, Paris; “Drs. Raymond Latarjet and Jaques Monod, of the same institute; Dr. Boris Ephrussi University of Paris; Dr. F. Kauffman, State Serum Institute Denmark: and Dr. T. Johnson, Winnipeg, Canada. _ Some of the European scientists on the program were brought to this country by the Biological Laboratory especially for the purpose of taking part in the Symposium. Although this year it was possible for only a limited number of foreigners to be present at the meeting, it was “ that this represented a good beginning in the extremely important Fildes cottblishing contact and cooperation among researchers in similar Funds ¢ °. a been cut off from communication by six years of war. vided i the traveling expenses of invited European participants were pro- “@ trom a special grant made by the Rockefeller Foundation. ies can fcientists came from all parts of the country, including the onneeces a ama, California, Ulinois, Indiana, Maryland, Missouri, tom he i ) a and Wisconsin. There was also a large attendance tories at Nee universities, research institutes, and commercial labora- accommodvan Hore City and vicinity. Lecture-room | space and living to accent — imited the number of participants, and it was not possible Sientic. . i registrations of all who wished to attend. Of the foreign theo wen aking part, four each were from Canada, England, and France, were from Chile, and one each from Denmark and Sweden. Course on Bacteriophages toast primary purpose of this course, introduced in the summer of » 18 to familiarize scientists with new methods that have been de- Velo : ‘ ; “oped recently and to stimulate interest in research with bacterial Virus. : . : : majoris The course this year had a capacity registration of twelve. A om ~ of the registrants were established research workers, eight of aving doctors’ degrees. 13