The Long Islander MANY SCIENTISTS IN COLD SPRING HARBOR SUMMER SYMPOSIUM The Biological Laboratory Host To 130 In Resuming Program of Conferences on Organisms Research. From July 2 to 12, Cold Spring Harbor was host to 130 American and European scientists, when the Biological Laboratory held its sum- mer Symposium for the first time since 1942. In a series of continuous and closely planned meetings, dur- ing these eleven days, 25 papers were presented by 27 invited scien- tists from this country and abroad, and general discussions on each topic were held by the whole group. The subject, “Heredity and Varia- tion in Microorganisms”, was an especially timely one, in which rapid progress is being made and many new scientific possibilities opened up. Biologists, biochemists, and bacteriologists from many re- search laboratories eagerly discuss- ed the recent results of their work in this fleld as it relates to bac- teria, viruses, fungi, and other ma- terial being studied experimental- ly. This was the eleventh in the series of Cold Spring Harbor Sym- posia on Quantitative Biology, which have become widely known throughout the scientific world since they were started in 1933. For three years, wartime conditions made it impossible to hold the meetings. Therefore this first Sym- posium since the war was of spe- cial importance, in bringing to- gether workers who have had lit- tle opportunity during the last four years to hold unlimited discussion of their research, and who have un- til recently been completely cut off from the progress of research in other countries. The group considered the mech- anisms that operate in the trans- mission of heredity in the smallest known living organisms—namely, bacteriophages, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Since it is a well-estab- lished fact that the fundamental laws of nature apply in general to all forms of life, it is sometimes easier to solve a biological problem by using simple organisms, and later to test the validity of the solution on more advanced organ- isms. The discussion included also the behavior of tumor cells and leukemia cells, which in many re- spects exhibit the same individ- uality as unicellular organisms. Some distinguished foreign scien- tists who came to this country to - July 18, 1946 take part in the program were: Dr. N. W. Pirie, Harpenden, Eng- land; Dr. M. J. D. White, Univer- sity College, London; Dr. G. Ponte- corvo, Glasgow University, Scot- land; Dr. Andre Lwoff, Pasteur In- stitute, Paris; Drs. Raymond Latar- jet and Jaques Monod, of the same Institute; Dr. Boris Ephrussi, Uni- versity of Paris; Dr. F. Kauffmann, State Serum Institute, Denmark; and Dr. T. Johnson, Winnipeg, Can- ada. Local research workers present- ing papers included Dr. M. Dem- erec, director of the Biological Lab- oratory and of the Carnegie Insti- tution Department of Genetics; Dr. E. C. MacDowell, staff member of the Carnegie Institution; and Dr. S. E. Luria, bacterlologist, of the Carnegie Institution and Indiana University. On leave of absence from Indiana for the past year, Dr. Luria has been working at the Carnegie laboratories in charge of a special project investigating the development of resistance in bac- teria to the action of penicillin, bacteriophages, and various drugs and antibiotics. Dr. Raymond La- tarjet, of the Pasteur Institute, Paris, who has also been working at the Carnegie research center for the past eight months, is in the United States as a fellow of the French Government under a pro- gram started shortly after the end of the war to establish internation- al “teamwork” in science. Dr. La- tarjet presented a paper in collab- oration with Dr, Demerec. The other Huropean scientists on the program were brought to this country by the Biological Labora- tory especially for the purpose of taking part in the Symposium. Al- though this year it was possible for only a limited number of for- eigners to be present at the meet- ing, it is felt that this represents a@ good beginning in the extremely important task of re-establishing contact and cooperation among re- searchers in similar fields who have been cut off from communi- cation by six years of war. | American scientists attending the Symposium came from all parts of the country, including the states of Alabama, California, Illinois, In- | diana, Maryland, Missouri, Tennes- see, Texas and Wisconsin. There was also a large attendance from the hospitals, universities, research institutes, and commercial Jabora- tories of New York City and vi- cinity. Lecture-room space and liv- ing accommodations limited the number of participants, and it was not possible to accept the regis- trations of all who wished to at- tend. Of the foreign scientists tak- ing part, four each were from Can- ada, England, and France, two were from Chile, and one each were from enmark and Sweden.