February 2, 1956 W. H. Freeman, Esq. 549 Market Street San Francisco California Dear Sir: May I refer back to your letter of June 1, 1954 addressed to Dr. Lederberg and Dr. Steinhaus on the matter of publication of Buchner's book, Fndosymbiosis, in English. Along with these gentlemen, I have been very much interested in the possibility of Suchner's book being made available to the English speaking world, because the fact remains that very few in the United States or elsewhere in English speaking countries have sufftcient facilities in the German language to read a book of this kind, Its publication would undoubtedly open up a tremendous interest in the subject, certainly in the United States. We have in the University of Hawaii a competent person on the language faculty whose name is Misa Rertia Mueller. She has recently translated the botanical writings of Goethe, which has been published by the University of Hawaii Presa, I have discussed the matter of translating Buchner with her, and Bhe is willing to do so as a labor of love, but would expect the clerical work to be provided. There are two ways which appeal to me as being practical; one is for you to provide her with a recording machine which she can use and have a local typist take off the record, the other 1s for you to make such a machine available to her (presumably by local rental) and the records could then be sent to you for your clerical staff to type. The first might be a little more efficient because the typist would be near Miss Mueller to get technical terms clarified. The second would possibly be cheaper since you could no doubt use your permanent clerical staff. The rough copy could then be returned to Miss Mueller for corrections and smoothing. In view of the fact that this proposal meets your requirement as stated in your June 1 letter, I would appreciate it if you could give the matter renewed consideration. I can assure you that Miss Mueller is a thoroughly competent person in the field of scientific German, and 1s a thoroughly efficient and reliable person. Yours very truly, A Walter Carter, Head Entomology Department werty/ ec: Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dr. Edward A. Steinhaus