THE WALTER & ELIZA HALL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, CLINICAL RESEARCH UNIT, UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE THE ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL Director: SIR MACFARLANE BURNET, O.M., F.R.S. llth December, 1961. Professor Joshua Lederberg, Dept. of Genetics,,. Stanford University, Medical Center, PALO ALTO, _-CALIFORNIA. Dear Joshua, Your very prompt and effective help in the matter of the microscope is truly deeply appreciated. It was such a relief to know that within a few weeks we should be in business once again, In the meantime I am making do on the old microscopic equipment which, as you know only too well, is rather trying. I am facing the future here at the Institute with quiet confidence and am looking forward to getting a lab established and putting dom a few roots once again. With the valuable experience of my Stanford stay as a help I should be able to make a pretty good go of the position here particularly as Burnet seems only too willing to fall in with the various Plans that I have outlined and in general is giving me every support. Last Friday was a very exciting day here as the Prime Minister came to unveil a portrait of Sir Mac which friends of the Institute are presenting to the Commonwealth of Australia. It was painted by Dargie who as you may remember during the time that you were here kept winning the Archibald Prize for portrait painting here in Australia and is very good if a little conventional portrait painter. As the rather stilted tone of this letter probably indicates to you I am just getting used to the dictating equipment here and so I won't stop to exchange gossip. If present plans work out in any case I will be seeing you in a few nooks. md Hy, Please give my very special regards to the Herzenberbergs and all my love to Esther.