November 17, 196] Dr. G.J.V. Nossal c/o Mr. F.C. Nossal 15 South Bay Road Repulse Bay Heng Kong, China Dear Gus: Needless to say we will be happy to send you the optics that you asked for In your letter te Boris. Don't worry about It, we will take care of it for you one way or the other. Harshaw's problem was probably that they Just did not get decent delivery from Zeiss = you probably would have done best of all to order the equipment directly from the manufacturer or nearby while you were In Europe. Indeed, you might still wish to try to pursue this course of action and if we can help you In any way by cancelling duplicate orders, please let us know. ! should think this would be particularly appropriate for the micro forges - If they are not In stock In the states - that you could get one of French manufacture more or less on the spot. The Herzenberg Infant ts, as far as | know, thriving, but the original dlagnosis seems quite certain and they have decided to place him In a private foster home rather than face the difficulties of bringing him up In the same milieu as thelr other children. As far as appears on the surface they have weathered the storm pretty well and are pretty well back In thelr normal routine. i'm not surprised at the note of weariness In your letter - there certainly does come a time when you want to put your roots down and get to work. Best of luck to you both, Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg