Uroek INST. FOR TUMORBIOLOGI KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET STOCKHOLM 60 DEPT. OF TUMOR BIOLOGY KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET STOCKHOLM 60 Nov. 13, 196] Dear Josh and Esther, You can imagine how deeply your news distressed me, I hardly knew what to say, exeept the rather trite statewent that if such things must happen, it is vetter for the: wo usp eu. 1. B. we Aut ome inner resourees to cope, But this is little consolation, and my heart goes out se much to Lee, I don‘t know whether or what to write, in any ease, let me know if the little one does die, this surely would be the best thine, I am enclosing S 22 ter te Boris R, which I think a is self~ explanatory. 4 would be deeply grateful, Josh, for anv helpful sugzegtiens, As the end of the trip nears, you ean imagine how intensely I am lookine forward to getting baek to werk and stopping this parasitic existence, Fa Than: yeu , Josh, for all your help to Al, + think he has done a very reasonable job, By the way, our publication preyram is going along without hitehes, the proofs for the 2 J.Exp,Med. papers have already arrived, The only papers ef which we have no news are the 2 for J, Immnel, which l imarine will be aecepted without toe m-ch tronble . Our Prague paper seemed to be very well received, and 1 also presented a brief summary ef Len and Lee‘s, I must confess that Kandutsch, with his ‘triton treatment for solubilization fellowed by snake-venom digestion has lef t the T.’s a good way behind, He new has a potent fraction which is eleetrophoretieslly quite henoreneous. Poer quantitation, however, and no other physico-chemical details. Len shou @ keep in the closest touch with him, Fer my sins, + have heen appeinted Deputy Director of the Hall Institute, which, thourh softened by a wery good salary, will earry a let of administration with it, Sincerest wishes, I‘l1l write a more ; way" letter when a . I've recovered from my various flapa, As ever