duly 20, 1960 Dear Ernst: “Twas delighted to heer that Zaffaroni,’ sharing:ay high estimation, had procesded to make yeu a bid without delay -- one that I hepe will interest you in joining the research institute that Syntex is setting up here in Palo Alto. Unless you do have some particular questions, it would be supererogatory to add my ow further enthusiasms for auch an association, as they are Seer cerenlnte ta the ates toremnta ct neha bel eee to appreciate is the unique personality of Syntex Corporation, and especially of Carl Djoratel whe if ite nest dynania flew. Also, while I believe another method has been found te handle the routine adsinistration of the institute, I experienced and biologically breadest-based menber of the staff. Yeur leadership in the institute Bhould therefore be decisive for its ultimate success. At an advivay level, I hope to keep in very close touch with the institute's work, but of course cannot participate in the same fashion as in my regular university position ~~ so I would be especially reliant on your judgment, as I am sure, will be the other menbers of the scientific advisory board. Many questions are bound to come up in a transatlantic negotiation; I would mainly stress the very constructive spirit in which Syntex has approached the task of making the institute a scientific success, an aim that I can be pleased and proud te heip, If there are any matters that you would like to discuss with me, please ao net hesitate to write. We are counting on staying home all the reat of the édumer, Please give our best to Frits and Ida; and mention that we are firmly installed in our house now