Dear Ernsts You will certainly be cetting the reprints you requested; I do not see:how I have overlocked putting your name on our regular list. I was pleased to have your tentative reaction to the Syntex proposal, fully realizing your concurrent interest in other possibilities. meanwhile, there have been some changes in the details of Syntex's policy, mainly advantageous to the research prospects, though the; may fommiowes involve setting up initially in Ics Angeles rather than here. I am anxious myself to accelerate the shift to Palo Alto as soon as pos- sible; by the time Dr, Zaffarroni can see you, thede matters should be firmly settled, and if he can convey am definite offer you will be able to know exactly what the setup will be, There is also some question now whether there will be (to start) a named director, or whether the adminis- tratfion will be broken into the eperating groups (probably 4, 2 in organic chemistry, 1 DNA biochemistry, 1 immunology). But these are all matters which are not necessarily of the first importance and, in any case, should be the subject of further discussion, In any event, I will be deeply and personally concerned with the development of the research program which, obviously, would have many paralkels in my own interests. As to your remarks on tolerance, I would like to discuss them with Nossal before making a detailed replg, I have the impres&hon that Cinader obtained diametrically opposite results, but I may be overlooking some details, Your second experiment seems to contradict the first one, unless there is some additional basis to ‘horror autotoxicus’ than early expeeure to self antigens, XXXEREXEKAK Dr. Saffarroni should then be cetting in tough with you in good time, urs sincerely, 4’ Taderber~: