Ma dune 1, 1960 Dr. Ernst Sorkin State Serum Institute Copenhasen S, Denmark Dear Ernst I an writine the following in some haste, and in considerable confidence, Stemming in larse part from a pergonal connection with Carl Djerassi, who is coming soon to Stanford as Professor of Chenistry, and who is ViceOPresident for Research of the Syntex Corporation, I have agreed to accept some responsibilities in advising Syntex on the course of their future research. I hardly need remind you of athe preeminence of this croup in steroid chemistry. They have felt, for some tine, the necessity of broadening their interests, and I have urced in particular that they consider rat fundamental problens in the biochemistry of nucleic acids, and (2) the mechanism of immunity. These are obviously not unrelated to one another, and the later is a logical correlate of their present unique position in steroid work, A particularly attractive proposal which I am discussing with ther is the possibility of their establishins an advanced research labo- ratory in this area, perhaps even on the Stanford campus, on land which the university leases for this type of industry, If this materializes, and as an element} that would bear on the issue, we have the question of the immediate direction of this program. Knowing that you have been on the lookout for some new possibilities, I am writin: to ask whether you could conceivably be free and interested to accept a position as Director of Blolocieal Research in such a laboratory. Syntex is 4n the midst of sone constructive measures to sive it a strone nosition in nucleic acid chemistry, and the close cooperation of such a group would be immensely valuable, as would your position vis a vis the Universit: ’ and this dees not exclude Djerassi and myself, Needless to say, I would not bother toylwrite you if I did not feel thai this was an unusyal oppor- tunity, especially for a drug company, which would afford anple gpportunity for fundamantal research, to which the development of commercial -ugefal products would be a long-term parallel incentive, At any rate, 4: this constituted your major concern I would sugcest your holdings for more direct discussion, if you can give ne @ constructive reply, I would communicate with Dr, Alejandro Zaffarroni, Executive Vice-Presdient of Syrtex, to + pursue the matter further, Fortunate]}y, he will be attendins the. International Congress of Endocrinolocy in Copenhasen next month A’ ceive a paper, and this could afford an opportunity to continue the = a discussion. With best wishes, Sincerely