March 10, 1961 Dear Mr. Beckwith: I had hoped to acknowledge your letter of February 15 in the course of @ personal meeting, and am sorry that I had to change my plans to join the group in Mexico, The material you are sending me is very instructive, and I am very happy to have it. I have not been able to digest it fully, but expect to learn a great deal from it.(As you know my own special interests have not had much to do with steroids in the past.) Some future ocoasion will, I am sure,arise before too long when I can make up for the opportunity missed earlier this month. It is a pleasure to see the kind of enlightened idealism that Sysatex is starting off with (and that I would have to predict from Carl Djerassi and his associates) and I am looking forward to seeing this set a high standard for the pharmaceutical industry. Yours cordaally, “Joshua Lederberg