SY NTEX && Dr. Joshua Lederberg 716 Alvarado Stanford, California February 15, 1961 Dear Doctor Lederberg: It is with great pleasure that I anticipate our meeting in Mexico early next month. I hope neither our dismal weather here nor your own schedule will interfere. At Carl's suggestion, there are enclosed reprints of journal advertisements which have appeared over the past few months as a pre-marketing exposure of Syntex to U.S. physicians. Such promotional material will be sent to you routinely -- and, as we approach the actual introduction of products, we will include your name on our lists to receive copies of everything sent to physicians. Also enclosed is a copy of a lay letter sent some time ago to about 315 selected wholesale druggists in 49 states. This deals in pure commerce, to be sure, and represents a complete depar- ture from past industry practice. Before this came a string of short notes to prepare the ground. After it came an enthusiastic response beyond our expectations. Materials such as this will reach you, too, for our efforts to gain reasonable distribution in 53, 000 retail pharmacies require considerable thought and effort. Separately, I am sending the first five in the series of scientific bulletins constructed for the training of our medical representa- tives. These will seem bulky, but this impression is somewhat misleading, for such bulletins actually reach the men in the field either one at a time or in even smaller portions. Again, as new bulletins are prepared, they'll be routinely forwarded to you. There are two reasons for sending promotional and internal materials to you. We'd like for you to sense the kind of pharma- ceutical company we want Syntex to be, and invite your reactions. With best wishes, Sincerely yours, a a Edmund R. Beckwith, Jr. Enclosures EDMUND R. BECKWITH, Jr, President SYNTEX LABORATORIES, INC. 10 EAST 40th STREET + NEW YORK 16, N. Y. TELEPHONE: ORegon 9-410