April 2, 195) Dr, “alter Carter Pineapple Res. Institute of Hawaii P.O. Sax 3166 Honolulu 2, HAWAII, TH. Dear Dr. Carter: Thank you for your letter of April 12 and for the reprints wnich have just been received, I have been extremely interested in your work on the mealy bug wilt of pineapple since I ran inte it in the course of preparing a review on hereditary sym- biosis a couple of years ago, As I ordinarily have little contact with the phyto= pathological literature I would be indebted to you for contiming to keep me apprised of your work in this field, As you may note from the enclosed book review, and from the review previously mentioned, I am heartily sympathetic with your conclusions on the significance of symbiosis, My approach to this question is however from the viewpoint of microbial geretics rather than cytogenetics. I hope that it will some» time be practical to conduct with your material the kind of cross-infection experiments witich seem to me most vital. I was especially intrigued by your experiment on the maternal inheritanec of symbionts on the one hand, and in Eito's work on the determination of sexual Sunction on the other, Has anything further been dore on these tovics? According to my records, I made a special point of sending you a reprint of the review "Cell genetics and hereditary symbiosis" which appeared in Physiological Reviews in 1952, In view of the title and rather formidable nomenclature, it is possible that you may have overlooked the particular reference to work within your own interest. On the other hand, perhaps this reprint never reached YOu, @ point that I would be interested to determine, Lf the paper was iost in the mails, T will be happy to dip into a very limited residual supply to furnish a replacement, You mentioned your aequaintanceship with the Huskins, Their loss was of course keenly felt by everyone at the University, both from a personal and a professional standpoint, Yours sincerel § Joshua Lederberg, Associate Professor of Senetics JLemg Enel. 43 poatcad P.S. Did I say leafhopper? My slip.