716 ALVARADO STANFORD, CALIF. December 27, 1963 Dr. Harold C. Urey 7890 Torrey Lane LaJolla, California Dr. Polykarp Kusch 450 Riverside Drive New York, New York Dear Harold: Dear Poly: Over the past two years | have been hopefully waiting for Quadri-Science to undertake some meaningful project that might accomplish my main aim in joining the group: to join with you in some imaginative and useful thinking that would take advantage of our diverse talents and backgrounds. | am really sorry this has not happened = perhaps for reasons beyond anyone's control. The financial prospects of Q/S$ are a secondary con- sideration as far as | am concerned; but this private attitude may limit my usefulness to you. | would not place any great value on my services to Q/S, and in consider- ation of an/amicable but full severance of our contractual association | freely offer to forfeit any interest in or claim on the corporation that | may now have. 1 would leave it entirely to you and the Board to consider whether any alternative compensation is appropriate. . Please make my resignation effective December 31, 1963; with that, none~ theless, my wishes to all of you for a happy and prosperous 1964, Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg