To: Laoo/Tyroler, Quadri-3cience At om: J. Lederbers Nee. 1, 1951 v Some notes on Quadri-~Seience objectives and means. Sould these oe nagsei on to our associates? We shoul’ be careful ta not to underestimate tne imract that ass may have on American industry, which should be to inject tne sane leverage of scientific insight that is now uniquely held oy financial svechlists. This tmplies a resconsitt lity to loot bevon!] Unmeliate crofitat lity, and not to con®*use our Sunetions with that of ams 2 7IT%. T woul’ then draw the following inferences 27 nronedure and caution. Take svectal care that G/3 is not rerely used as a “ront to tle cublic, or to a nanaceament. Tnsist a on suostantial responsibility “or cfs in » commanyts avfatirs, etther throush stork exehnasze or, more renerally, the norination of » director. The exoliait role that ofS cam cut forwar? & is to furnish setentifie Tivection et tre level of the “oar l of Mrectors of e ramman , with croviston for the acjitioneal scientific sunport tiat may be neele? ‘or e@fentive oneration. (This would not cbeclite crelimi- nary studies of a management-consultation tyne, if the renortine is tirectl: to top ~anagerent levels). We shouls snecifically avoil direet consultation oblirations to a lower siterarchical level, where the advice will alrost tonsistently be ignorel. Mot to svnend too nuch tine on smaller comnanies of limite? imnact, unless the’ nave a unique onvortunity to fill an irnortant reoutrevent (the Tnhstitute for Scientific Information would be in that categor’). cfs misht seek, however, to catalyze the recomoinat*’on of sone svall new connaries with larce ones tnat nee? tecnnicel re- direction. We might want to be particularly wateh*nl for immoral or vrivolous industries -- @e7%- tobacco -- which could be diverte! to more constructive roles if we could find ways to unloclk thes from their nlant investrent. (Tobaeco is an expecially nertinent exarcle: the nancdwritines -ust he on the well, anid if one conan can be shown the way out, there might se a stamnede tnereafter ‘The public health sight then »e saved some of its nresent insult, with its vicious evele of alvertisine sustenance. ) A psyeho- lorical fantor of that conseclence! might nla> a surprisins role here. Some other examnles: cosmetics, soft drihks, (T know the osyvcholocical factor onerates stronzly in television, but T haven!t the foxrtebb idea how to give it any still orofitadle sublivation.) (This sucrests we ~tzht not lo too bacly to have some advice ourselves from a siitol-ortented nsvehologist)) The main noint T want to take is the atvantare of hevine one success ont of a great many attercts at sone really larratscale affiliations. we probably should not be so exnlicit in the technological “ields 0% O/3 interest, since other imortant socortunities 7a: be exnecteld to arise outside the 4 indicated ones. In the brochure, T can't helo cut ‘eel that the reference to toe sinbel nrazes lacks sovewet in lisnity (thouch I dii aporove tne oresent 7007); in anornaches to the viggest fish, a softer sell misht be even more efective. WAkX We will certainiv have to enlarre the list of our associates, ani we should have in mini several additional people that we know we can call on ‘or svecific requirensnts. I can name several friends and colleagues whom, I am confitent, I couls nane as notential resources in preliminary discussions with otner orinci nals. >. eerould make a point of cultivating the interest of such peonle, as far as mBaRi® arranging for all of us to know them too. The ones I would name would, I think, merely rely on our arranging fair compensation for them on the merits of any specific assignment--~ to the point, at any rate, where we could oring uo their names in oreliminery talks. For the present, I would mention: Carl Djerassi Professor of Organic Chemistr, at Stanfor!. (one tine Yeo. Zor Research, and still a Director, Simtex Tornoration) One of the tovnotch organic chevists in the country. Close connections with Charles Alien & %o. (J am sure vr. Allen would ve “ascinated by Q/5!) Hilary Konrowsxi Director of the wWastar Institute (Cell 3iolos,), Univ of Pa. An outstanding virologist anld cancer Diologist. Sormerly a director of research at Lederle. (ie nas producel a type III live golio vaccine that is unquestionably superior to Sabin's, out is locked up for soue oetty plitical reasons in the WHS). Elliott Levintnial es. Associate in Instrunentation (exobiolo;,) at Stanvori. Has 10 years successful experience in industrial management (having sold off Levintnal Hlectronics Labs. to xadiation Inc.) beZore returning to academic life. would also have versonal access to venture capital. If the current discussions in California don't oreclude it, there are two very large companies that ,for different reasons, could unquestionaoly senerit from our particination: Studebakxer-Packard and Leckheed. (As a ratner hasty jusgment, I would think they would do very well to merce themselves!) Is there any way to loo more deeply into such vossibilities?