Bs The Australipn National University Director The John Curtin School of Medical Research R. Porter, F.A.A. we Howard Florey Professor Post Office Box 334, Canberra City 2601 of Medical Research Telegrams CURTMED Canberra Teleph 062 49 2597 srepone SS:ah 9 July 1985 JUL 16 1985 Dr Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue NEW YORK NY 10021 USA G SeeoF ewes Dear Dr Lederberg It is normal procedure in the Institute of Advanced Studies for a review of a Department to be carried out when a Head of Department is to retire. A paper (1572/1983) setting out details of the process of review, as applied in the John Curtin School of Medical Research, is attached for your interest. The Board of the Institute now also encourages full assessment of the work being conducted, and a copy of the more detailed paper (1925/1985) concerning Reviews is also attached. You may be aware that Professor F W E Gibson, Head of the Department of Biochemistry in the J.C.S.M.R., will retire at the end of 1988. Faculty Board has appointed a committee to consider the future of the Department. This review committee is to hold its initial meeting early in September this year. Submissions to the committee are being invited from members of the Faculty and from others in the University, but it is of course very helpful to have comments from outside the A.N.U. I should be grateful if you would be prepared to let the Committee have, through me, your personal views on the Department of Biochemistry and its future. If you are willing to do this I should be glad to hear from you as soon as possible. A copy of the JCSMR Annual Report for 1984 is enclosed, and your attention is drawn to the entry for the Department of Biochemistry which starts at Page 25. Yours sincerely a R PORTER Director encls