CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA CALIFOS™NIA 91125 DIVISION OF BICLOGY Avril 29, 1975 Dr. Oliver Smithies Laboratory of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Dr. Smithies: You may recall my letter to Elizabeth Russell deted January 29, 1975 (a copy of which was sent to you) giving my reasons for opposing the draft resolution on race and IQ thet wes being circuleted to members of the Genetics Society of Americe. IP so, you can imegine my dismay on learning from Tibby at the National Acedexy meeting in Washington last week that of more than 1000 replies she has received from the membership, some 90% are in favor of the resolution. I was also informed by Dr. Russell tnat it results of the balloting in « future issue G=vteETICS. I wish to register a strong objection to such publication, since it will in effect constitute an endorsement of this highiy controversial resolution by the Society without debate and discussion. Indeed, it may elreedy be too late to prevent press announcements, since a writer for BioSciexce was interviewing Dr. Russell on this subject et the Aceadexy Duilding last week. Nevertheless, I think it is important to keep in mind thet the resolution as of now has the status of a committee recommendation thet hes not teen discussed by the membership. planned to publish the QO | oO rh on In view of the complicated and exctional nature of the subject, I think it would be inappropriate to discuss in the usual way at a 1-1/2-hour business meeting of the Society. I would to recommend that something more formal be considered - such as a special ue of GENETICS with written arguments from both sides, or an organized session at an annual meeting of the Society, with invited speakers from each side. This would be followed by floor dis- cussion and a vote. Anything less than this would, in view of the strange history of the resolution to date, be suspect. One result of the fact that there has been no oven discussion of the resolution is that only the officers are in a position to xnow who favors and who opposes the resolution, and what their different reasons are. Yet such considerations Oliver Smithies ii 29, 1975 ze 2 4 Ne, ba ste v'die ( ere or great weight in democratic decision-making processes. I, for exenple, would like to know at this juncture who among our membership sheres my opposition to the draft resolution. I have no way of finding out, except through a request to you. Please consider this letter such @ request. Yours sincerely, J ihierenty N. H. Horowitz Professor ec: J. Crow J. Lederberg =.B. Lewis R.D. Owen E.5. Russell S. Wright D. Perkins D. Stedler . Roman