July &7, 1952 Date We Re Singleton Genetios Society of Anerica Brookhaven Hational Laboratory Upton, Lele, NeY Dear Dr. Singleton: Z have your letter of July 15, asking for a revision or confirmation of a statenent of prinsiple in comection with the eleotion for the Goummittes on Scientific Freedom and Public Education of the Genetios Society off Amerioa. I learned from your letter, for tho first time, that Curt Stern wae the other niminee (presumably the choice of the executive committees sitting ac a conmskttees on nonihations). Z have decided to withdraw in faver of Dr. Stern. My feelings on the functioning of the special committee are the aame as thay were in 1950. At that time, it eeaned probable that the committee might assume dostrinal fume- ticns that I thought would have unfortunate consequences for cenetios. The actions of the comittes during the past two years, and the choloes by the Society for membership on the comittee, have affirmed a thoughtful policy wits which I an in acoord. I have the fullest confidence in Dr. Stern'a judgment, and feel that the society should have the benefit of this ent ef his experience in the society's affairs. As the duly noninated alternative candidate, I coneluto that my withdrawal should leave no conteat. If you wish, you may enter the previous paragraph ag my formal statenent. If a contest ie essential,it would be appropriate to look for candidates who have distinctive views, between which the membership may make a coneldered choloe. If, es I suepect, the Society's vlewa are go coherent at the present tine that it would be diffkeult to find such candidates, it might be tine to consider discharging the conm-4ttee and traneferring ite —— to the Executive Committee, cubject to instructions from the member-~ ahip. Yours sincerely, Joghus. Lederberg OCs Ce Stern