Congress of the Rnited States OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT Ter WasninaTon, DG 20510-8025 OS { ROGER C. HERDMAN, Dinecton oo July 31, 1995 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor Rockefeller Univesity 1230 York Ave. New York,, New York 10021 Dear Josh: During the week of July 17th the Senate Appropriations Committee met to mark up the legislative branch appropriations bill. At that meeting the Chairman of the Legislative Subcommittee, Senator Mack recommended a close out for OTA which would provide for 60 days severance for most of the staff and a small 17 person close out staff which would shut down the agency between October 1, and January 31, 1995/6. An amendment was offered by Senator Hollings to preserve OTA as an independent agency at the $15 million level. In spite of bipartisan support this amendment was defeated 13-11. Later in the week, the Appropriations bill was brought to the Senate floor and an amendment was offered by Senators Hollings, Hatch and Stevens to provide for an independent agency. This amendment was defeated 54-45. Regrettably, in both instances OTA found itself in a zero sum game where the funds to survive had to come at the expense of the Library, GAO and other congressional institutions. This caused these groups to lobby against the amendments, and in both cases enough votes were lost thereby to cause our defeat. On Thursday the 27th of July in conference, an amendment to preserve OTA was offered by Mr. Fazio; this amendment was tied and therefore did not carry. And so OTA is now closing out. I will be here with a small staff .through January to accomplish this; we hope to finish as much work as possible and to see it distributed. Although I have cancelled the September TAAC meeting since there seemed little purpose to it, I would be happy to see any of the TAAC members, or to provide you with reports or other information or material if I can, or to visit on the phone. I have greatly enjoyed my interaction with all of you, and I and the rest of OTA will always be grateful for all of your help to the agency and staff throughout the years and recently. Sincerely, er C. Herdman