TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT BOARD JOHN H. GIBBONS MORRIS K. UDALL, ARIZONA, CHAIRMAN DIRECTOR TED STEVENS, ALASKA, VICE CHAIRMAN on 6. eatonsuoey lowa GEONGE E. BROWN, Ja., CALIFORNIA . EDWARD M. KENNEDY, MASSACHUSETTS CLARENCE E MILLER, O10 Congress of the Gnited States EANEST F. HOLLINGS, SOUTH CAROLINA DON SUNDQUIST, TENNESSEE re AMO HOUGHTON, NEW YORK OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT JOHN H. GIBBONS WASHINGTON, DC 205 10-8025 November 5, 1987 NOV 19 1987 Rice OF THE pres Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Ave. / New York City, NY 10021-6399 OT: | ly Dear Josh: —— I was very pleased that the Technology Assessment Board elected you last week to OTA's Technology Assessment Advisory Council (TAAC), As you are already well aware, TAAC helps provide outside feedback on the quality and usefulness of OTA's work. We are all looking forward to your guidance in OTA's work on biotechnology, health and other subjects. Your four-year term of office as a TAAC member will officially begin on February 19, 1988. The first meeting after that date will probably be held sometime between March and June. We will be setting the schedule for the meeting as soon as possible. We will be having one last meeting of the outgoing Council on December 7 (dinner meeting) and December 8, 1987. Since this meeting will be reviewing the OTA Health Program, Bill Perry the current Chairman of TAAC, would be delighted to have you attend. If this date is inconvenient for you and you have reason to be in Washington sometime before the spring TAAC meeting, we would be pleased to have you visit OTA to meet with OTA's senior management and our analysts in health and life sciences and any other subjects that interest you. I'm enclosing several items for your reading and look forward very much to working with you on TAAC. We will be sending you a revised List of Publications and Current Assessments listing within a few weeks. Meanwhile, our work is quite well described in the enclosed Quarterly Report. Please do not hesitate to call me at (202) 224-3695 if you have any questions about OTA or about the work of TAAC. Mary Procter, OTA's Director of Congressional and Public Affairs would be pleased to tell you more about the logistics and substance of TAAC meetings. She can be reached at (202) 224-9241. Sincerely n H. Gibbons Enclosures Information on OTA