ae , . _ Septeaber 22, 1950. re ‘ Dr. T. C. Carter, co Institute of Animal Genetics, King's Buildings, ; - Wast MainexRoad, a Fainburgh 9, Scotland, Dear Dr. Carter: I am sorry not to have replied sooner to your letter of August 18, but I have only just returned to the campus after a summer at another university. , As you may already have gathered, my remarks were thoroughty garbled — in the printing of the discussion. At the meeting of the Biometrics Soctety, I did outline a notation which I hoped might be useful in the translation © of Fisher's (or any one else'n) theory of recombination from the distribution of game 4 ' garry out any further analysis, although the notation was of some empirical use in somes calculaticns. I am afraid that there is no prospect of ay con tinuing very intensively with it, and I don't think that the notation iteelf is rorth publishing, In hopes you may be able to aake use of it, I am-enclosing « copy of a brief summary of the notation as presented at the 1947 Blometrics Society discussion. I shall be very pleased to hear if it is at all helpful. ae : - | Yopre oincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Associate Professor of Genetics nn ee ee eee werner ee en ee ee ae eee eee See lees ee cease oe ee ee ee