Congress of the United States f TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT BoarD L- JOHN H. GIBBONS TED STEVENS, ALASKA, CHAIRMAN OFFice OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT DIRECTOR MORRIS K. UDALL, ARIZONA, VICE CHAIRMAN ~~ WASHINGTON, DC 20510 ORAIN G. HATCH, UTAH GEORGE E. BROWN, Ja., CALIFORNIA CHAALES McC. MATHIAS Ja., MARYLAND JOHN D. DINGELL, MICHIGAN EDWARD M. KENNEDY, MASSACHUSETTS CLARENCE E. MILLER, OHIO £ANEST F. HOLLINGS. SOUTH CAROLINA COOPER EVANS, IOWA CLAIBORNE PELL, RHODE ISLAND DON SUNDQUIST, TENNESSEE JOHN H. GIBBONS / N March 28, 1986 MAR 81 1986 } eo 4 A a Se CE oF THE presi a Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: Thanks for your note. I appreciate your sensitivity to potential conflicts of interest, but there's no need to worry that you might be an industrial wolf in academic sheep's clothing. In fact, the breadth of your contacts beyond academia is an asset for our purposes. Our panels are chosen to draw on all sectors of society and are meant to elicit the full scope of view points and constituencies. It's a kind of Archimedes principle applied to policy analysis! We would very much like to have you serve on the panel given these assurances. I've sent the Project Director, Dr. Gary Ellis, your cv so he is aware of your interest and availability. Please call me or him at (202) 226- 2099 should you have any other questions. You will be hearing more about the panel from us in the near future. Sincerely, ot Gibbons