. S “a Pos ; wry F TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT BOARD Congress of the Gnited States soni H. GIBBONS TED STEVENS, ALASKA, CHAIRMAN OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT DIRECTOR MORRIS K. UDALL, ARIZONA, VICE CHAIRMAN WASHINGTON, DC 20510 ORRIN G. HATCH, UTAH GEORGE E. BR CHARLES McC, MATHIAS, JR. MARYLAND JOHN D. DINGELL. pera alla EDWARD M. KENNEDY, MASSACHUSETTS CLARENCE E. MILLER, OHIO ERNEST F. HOLLINGS, SOUTH CAROLINA COOPER EVANS, IOWA CLAIBORNE PELL. RHODE ISLAND DON SUNDQUIST, TENNESSEE JOHN H. GIBBONS April 2, 1986 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021-6399 Dear Josh: I am pleased to invite you to serve as a member of the Advisory Panel for the OTA assessment of New Developments in Biotechnology. OTA is undertaking this study at the request of the House Committee on Science and Technology and the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The purpose of the assessment is to examine a series of biotechnology issues that are of interest to Congress. These include the use of human biological materials in research and commerce; the environmental application of genetically altered organisms; the commercial development of tests for human genetic diseases, and additional topics. The result of this assessment will be a series of published reports delivered to Congress and available to the public. The role of the Advisory Panel will be to (i) provide guidance and assistance to OTA staff on the study methodology and research base, (ii) help identify contractors to assist OTA staff, and (iii) review and comment on draft text. Your acceptance of this invitation will indicate your willingness to participate in at least three panel meetings through the next two years, each requiring one or two working days. In addition, you may be asked to spend the equivalent total of two to three days commenting upon written material provided for your review. Please note that your service on the Advisory Panel will not require and does not imply your agreement with, or endorsement of, the outcome of the assessment. Your personal and professional experience and insights will be of great benefit to us in producing balanced, credible, and objective reports. Sharon Smith, administrative assistant for the OTA Biological Applications Program, will be contacting you shortly with respect to administrative arrangements for the first Advisory Panel meeting on May 5, 1986. Project director Gary B. Ellis will soon ~ be supplying you with an agenda and materials for that meeting. I am pleased that you have indicated your willingness to serve as an advisor to OTA and look forward to seeing you. Sincerely, Joh Gibbons Lay fn 8 Fs je