/ CO OEYS oo THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY pro bono humani generis 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021-6399 Joshua Lederberg UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR December 18, 1992 Professor Dr. Nuzhat Ahmed Center for Molecular Genetics University of Karachi Karachi-75270 PAKISTAN Fax 9221-466896 Dear Professor Ahmed: I am sorry to be unable to attend the Second International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. But I am happy to have the opportunity to extend my greetings and good wishes. It is almost fifty years since I began my investigations of the genetics of microbes as a young student. Throughout that time, I have earnestly hoped they might ultimately have some fruition in beneficial applications to alleviate the huamn condition. The work represented at your symposium is in some measure a vindication that such a dream could have real substance. Please extend my very best wishes. Joshua Lederberg P.S. Thank you for sending me copy of that charming picture.