(— oo NS OSIRN Ke RNID? DEC 12 1989 UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SSG ANi7past VIENNA INTERNATIONAL CENTRE P.O. BOX 300, A-1400 VIENNA, AUSTRIA TELEPHONE: 211310 TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: UNIDO VIENNA TELEX: 135612 uncoa FAX: 232156 REFLLLER TitTEp "4, DIRECTOR-GENERAL Dear Prof. Lederberg, 29 November 1989 I heard from Mr. Venkataraman of the very useful discussions you had on 9 November 1989 with Government officials in Washington concerning the ICGEB and the active role you played in presenting the progress of the ICGEB and the case for the United States joining it. This is indeed a good beginning which needs to be followed up. An important country such as the United States cannot be away from ICGEB, which is a major initiative in the field of science and technology. —_—_— I agree with your approach that a decision from a scientific point of view should be made by the Government, with the issues relating to resources being tackled consequentially. From this point of view your continued contacts with the scientific Departments, including the Office of the Science Adviser to the President, would be very useful indeed. I warmly thank you for your effort and look forward to your continued Support to the ICGEB and UNIDO in this respect. With regards. ours sincerely, Prof. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 USA