Ly Preparatory Committee on ICGEB UNIDO @) Yonuoi, UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DE\ DEVELOPMENT ORGANI ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT INDUSTRIEL VIENNA INTERNATIONAL CENTRE CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE VIENNE P.O. BOX 300, A-1400 VIENNA, AUSTRIA B.P. 300, A-1400 VIENNE (AUTRICHE) TELEPHONE: 26 310 TELEPHONE : 26 310 TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: UNIDO VIENNA TELEX: 135612 ADRESSE TELEGRAPHIQUE: UNIDO VIENNE TELEX : 135612 REFERENCE : Date: 10 January 1985 Dear Professor Lederberg, Thank you very much for accepting the membership of the Panel of Scientific Advisers of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). The members of the Preparatory Committee and I are delighted that you have found it possible to become a member of the Panel. The Preparatory Committee at its last session expressed its appreciation to you for accepting the invitation and has requested me to convey it to you. I am confident that the valuable advice of you and your colleagues, members of the Panel, will certainly provide an impetus to our activities for the establishment of the Centre. May I extend a warm welcome to you as a member of the Panel of Scientific Advisers. I look forward with pleasure to meeting you. f Yours sincerely, nb Adolfo/Raul Taylhardat Chairman of e Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of the ICGEB and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Venezuela to UNIDO Prof. J. Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 USA