aS _ we do- INSTITUTE OF ANIMAL GENETICS - KING’S BUILDINGS - WEST MAINS ROAD - EDINBURGH 9 Department of Animal Genetics, Edinburgh University and A.B.G.R.O., Genetics Laboratory, Agricultural Research Council, Tel. : Edinburgh 44467/8 P ssor C. H. Waddington, Sc.D., F.R.S. De 9. C. CARTER. TOC /1F/ Dr. Joshua Lederburg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison,€, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 18th August, 1950, Dear Dr. Lederburg ; In the report of the discussion following R.A. Fisher's paper in Biometrics 1 (1948) it is said that you were intending to publish same worx on the algebric treatment of tetrad analysis. This is a problem in which I am interested, and as I have not been able to locate any recent work of yours on this subject I should be grateful if you could tell me where it is to be found, I should also be grateful for reprints when they are available, Yours sincerely, NIA - (2. 0, Garter j—